Sunday, September 26, 2010

Acid Reflux/Heartburn - Simple Steps to Relief

ACID REFLUX/HEARTBURN - Effective Strategies to Stop the Burning. 

You've seen the advertisements: Acid reflux is a horrible disease that can cause damage to the
oesophagus and lead to cancer. Are these claims realistic, or simply exaggerated to sell over
the counter medications? The fact is that doctors don't even agree on the causes, treatments,
and long-term risks related to heartburn, so you can believe what you want about the ads.

Heartburn is the uncomfortable feeling resulting from acid reflux, or GERD, gastroesophageal
reflux disease (try saying that out loud a few times). It can feel like a burning sensation
(hence, the name), but can also feel like pressure in the chest, which is why it is sometimes
confused with feelings associated with heart attacks.

Acid reflux occurs when the muscle between the stomach and the oesophagus gets weak or relaxes
at the wrong time. The result is that the stomach contents, including the acid, move up into
the oesophagus. Because the oesophagus doesn't have the protective lining that the stomach
does, the acid literally burns the oesophagus.

What Works?

Several non-prescription drugs may be effective for mild to moderate acid reflux,
such as antacids, which neutralize stomach acids. These include well-known over the counter
medications such as Tums and Rolaids. Another option is H2 receptor antagonists, which reduce
the production of stomach acids. These include Axid AR, Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, and Zantac 75.
Pepcid complete is the only of these that combines an antacid with an H2 receptor antagonist.
Which is the best treatment? One study found that Pepcid complete performed better than either
an antacid alone or an H2 receptor antagonist alone.

Prescription drugs prescribed to treat acid reflux are called proton-pump inhibitors. These
include Aciphex, Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, and Protonix. While these are equally effective,
one study did find that Nexium may heal esophageal sores faster.

Homeopathic Remedies

Combined with homeopathic remedies, heartburn may be treated effectively
with less reliance on over the counter or prescription medications. Together, these solutions
may provide the answers where just one solution fails to deliver on the promise.

Natural options that may help reduce GERD include deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), which may
bring fast relief and help heal damaged lining. Aloe Vera juice may also act quickly to bring
relief. For those with chronic problems, Gamma-oryzanol (rice bran oil) may be useful, as could
choline, pantothenic acid, and thiamin. These natural solutions may provide more effective
short-term relief as well as provide long-term dietary benefits.

Why Try a Homeopathic Remedy?

The benefits of natural solutions is that they are often less
costly and reduce the chances of becoming reliant on a particular solution. Natural solutions
include treating the cause as much as the affect, and experimenting with diet and alternative
treatments may help lessen the cause of the problem. Additionally, all of the homeopathic
remedies mentioned above can be used along with over the counter or prescription medications.

Does Acid Reflux Cause Cancer?

Studies on acid reflux and cancer vary. One study showed that
chronic acid reflux increased the chances of oesophageal cancer by as much as eight times.
Another study determined that the risk of cancer is not nearly as much as was once thought.
Chronic acid reflux can lead to Barrett's oesophagus, or BE, which has been thought to lead to
an increase in cancer. A study conducted by a group of medical doctors found that the risk of
cancer from BE is not as much as previously thought, stating that BE will not cause cancer for
most people.

What is not questioned is whether or not acid reflux is uncomfortable. Chronic GERD is
difficult to live with, and experimenting with both traditional medications and natural
remedies may be the best solution. As research continues on the causes and affects of GERD,
additional options are likely to come along.

You Can Stop Smoking

The facts are clear. There is nothing worse you could do to adversely affect your health. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Women are three times more likely to develop lung cancer then men. Cancer has now replaced heart disease as the number one killer of Americans aged 85 and younger. 1/3 of all cancer deaths are related to smoking. 
Although there has been a huge decrease in the number of smokers between 1965 and 2000, 22 of American adults still continue to smoke. The good news is that surveys have shown that 70 of active smokers want to quit.

When you quit smoking the benefits are immediate. Blood cells that transport carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke begin to transport healthy oxygen. Even though quitting doesn't completely eliminate the risk of developing lung cancer, the risk of lung cancer starts to decline. One year after quitting smoking your chances of having a heart attack drops by half. The risk of lung cancer continues to decline and drop dramatically five to ten years after quitting. So we know that quitting is essential to enjoying a long and healthy life. The question is how do you pick the right way to stop smoking for you?

The first thing you need to know is that most smokers quit unsuccessfully several times before they quit for good. You will most likely not be successful your first time around - but you must still try! Each time you attempt to quit you come closer to finally quitting for good.

There are many organizations available to help you take control of your health and quit smoking. Most smokers find a greater success rate in groups. Organizations such as SmokEnders have community based seminars and will come to the workplace to counsel smokers. SmokEnders is a gradual stop smoking program that says it's success is based on treating the physical and the psychological aspects of smoking. They offer unlimited toll-free phone counseling.

Some people prefer to try to stop cold turkey. They stop smoking completely with little or no reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoke beforehand. As with any smoker who quits, those who quit cold turkey will experience the withdrawal symptoms of irritability, increased appetite and restlessness. For someone trying to stop smoking cold turkey help can be obtained using medications such as Zyban which lessens withdrawal symptoms. Zyban can only be obtained with a prescription.

Some smokers obtain relief from smoking withdrawal with a nicotine replacement commonly known as a nicotine patch. Patches are used for up to eight weeks. Nicotine patches are available over the counter. It is suggested that you talk to your doctor before trying any over the counter nicotine replacement therapy.

The American Cancer Society and American Lung Association have free information available. The federal government also has free information for smokers available at

Protecting Yourself from Skin Cancer

Sara spends much of her summer near the beach. She lives in a
mild climate and is very athletic. She loves to swim, bike and
play games outdoors. Sara knows the dangers of the sun and so she
opts for tanning salons to get her 'golden glow' while being sure
to apply sunscreen every day before heading out.

Joseph lives in a cooler, northern climate. The summers can be
very humid, but most of the year is mild or even below freezing
during the harshest winter months. The beach has never been much
of a draw for him and he spends most of his time doing indoor
activities or at his job. Joseph doesn't worry about sunscreen
and only had one sunburn that he can remember and that was when
he was a child.


Which of these examples do you most associate yourself with? Did
you know that Sara and Joseph are both at risk of developing skin
cancer? We have all heard the warnings about the dangers of sun
exposure. We know all about the importance of wearing sunscreen
and hats. But are YOU protected from skin cancer? Consider these
myths and facts:

MYTH ONE: Tanning Beds are Safer than the Sun

20 minutes of exposure in a tanning bed is roughly equivalent to
four hours in the sun. Although sun beds use UVA rather than UVB
rays, 'The Skin Cancer Answer' states that "UV-A penetrates more
deeply into the skin than UV-B, can cause skin cancer, and may
suppress the immune system."

MYTH TWO: Wearing Sunscreen at the Beach is Protection

85 percent of UV rays can even make it through on cloudy days.
That means you are equally at risk in the car, walking the dog or
letting your children out to play at any time of year - even when
you're not at the beach. Of course, you are usually less attired
at the beach and so covering up is recommended even when wearing
sunscreen. Sunscreen also wears off with sweat and water and
should always be applied every two hours or after getting wet.

MYTH THREE: Taking Care Of Your Skin Now Will Protect You

Sadly, skin cancer can take 20 or more years to develop. The Skin
Cancer Foundation states that most people receive about 80
percent of their lifetime sun exposure before the age of 18.
Just one blistering sunburn in childhood is estimated to double
the risk of melanoma later in life. Taking better care now will
reduce the risk, but not eliminate the damage already done.

MYTH FOUR: Having a Tan Means You're More Protected

Dark skinned individuals are less likely to develop cancer, but
tanned skin is actually damaged skin. Repeated tanning injures
the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer.

MYTH FIVE: You Can't get Burned on Overcast Days

Just because the sun is hidden by some cloud does not mean that
you don't need protection from the harmful effects of the suns rays.

So how do you plan to protect your family this year? Some
suggestions are to limit exposure to the sun - especially for
infants. Examine your skin for early signs of damage. Use a
sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and apply it at least 30 minutes
before exposure and every two hours after that. Teach your
children good safety habits and be sure you and they are covered
up when outdoors. Have fun and be safe.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
health care program.